Here are a few things that I have learned on my real first day of work in Kangemi at Lea Toto.
1. When a Kenyan tells you that it is only "10 minutes and a hill" do not believe them!! More like 3 dead-trap-MOUNTAINS! Even the Kenyans were slipping on the 80 degree-incline-loose-rock-neck-breaking-shenanigan. They kept looking at me after and saying "normal, normal." Haha I do know that I will probably be losing a good amount of weight this summer. That is both terrifying and exciting. Exciting that I am getting in shape and terrifying in the way it is happening.
2. If you don't know Swahili, then think twice about coming to Kenya! I'm super excited to learn, but if you aren't willing then life may be difficult for you.
3. Once you get someone talking about something they love, be prepared for a passionate conversation. It was great hearing about everyone's job at Lea Toto and learning the ins and outs of the job.
4. Tea time is the greatest thing ever to be invented.
5. Matatus are not the most comfortable mode of transportation out there.
6. If you tell a Kenyan that you took a matatu (the small ones), they will be super impressed.
7. I'm learning a ton about HIV/AIDS.
8. Breastfeeding in Kenya is required by law. Giving birth in a clinic or hospital is required by law. Being tested for HIV/AIDS when you are pregnant is required by law.
9. Traffic in Nairobi is terrifying. Anyone/everyone will move out of the way of the car no matter what. If there is a pothole, the car will go on the wrong side of the road and play chicken with oncoming traffic.
10. I really just wanted a tenth point.
Stay tuned for more!